Environmental Health

Contacting an Environmental Health Officer

Environmental Health Officers serve all 33 communities out of offices in Yellowknife, Hay River, and Inuvik.

To apply for a permit from Environmental Health, please complete and submit the appropriate form to environmental_health@gov.nt.ca:

  1. Food Establishment Permit Application
  2. Personal Services Establishment Permit Application

Ways to Connect with an Environmental Health Officer:

Online Form

Please use the form below to report concerns or request services from the Environmental Health Unit.

Please note:

  • Submit your request ONLY ONCE.
  • You will receive a response from the Environmental Health Unit within 24 hours during working days.
  • Provide sufficient details in your request and include contact information for the Environmental Health Officer to reach you.
  • Due to the volume of requests, Environmental Health Officers will prioritize complaints/requests based on the risk to public health.
  • All information is protected under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (ATIPP). Contact information or any identifying details are not shared with unauthorized users.

The personal information on this form is being collected for the purposes of delivering public health services in accordance with the Public Health Act. It is protected by the privacy provisions under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (ATIPP) and will not be used or disclosed unless allowed or required by ATIPP or any other Act. If you have any questions, please contact Environmental Health at 867-767-9066 ext 49262 or Environmental_Health@gov.nt.ca.