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Community Counselling Program Postcard/Carte postale du Programme de counseling communautaire (pdf/326.04 KB)
Stigma and Addictions: Our Words Matter (pdf/337.21 KB)
Intranasal Naloxone: Instructions for Use (pdf/1007.5 KB)
Supporting Addictions Recovery (pdf/237.95 KB)
This handbook will guide you through your quit journey. It will help you beat the cravings, cope with the side effects of quitting, and prepare you to stand tall and break free of this addiction once and for all.
NWT Tobacco Quit Guide (pdf/31.84 MB)
You Can Quit Smoking - Your Path to a Smoke Free Life (pdf/951.36 KB)
Opioid Overdose Signs And Symptoms (pdf/313.27 KB)