If you’ve ever wanted to know what to do when someone is thinking about suicide, there’s training available across the NWT.
It’s called Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), and it’s a two-day workshop for people who want to lower the risk of someone committing suicide.
The training helps you to know what questions to ask if you think someone is at risk of harming themselves. The workshop uses small group discussions, videos and role plays that help you learn how to know if someone you know is thinking about suicide and if so, how to take the first steps toward helping them.
In the NWT, ASIST training sessions happen several times a year. In the past, non-governmental organizations and government workers have been trained.
The GNWT is offering the training to community groups and the public.
If you are interested in attending an ASIST training session in your community, please call your local Community Counselling Program for more information.