Concerns about a regulated health or social services professional can be dealt with in a few ways. We first encourage you to first speak with the health or social service professional who provided your care. If you are uncomfortable raising your concerns with the professional, you may direct your concern to the Health and Social Services Authority or employer responsible for the facility where you received services.
If your concerns are not addressed to your satisfaction, you may submit your concern in writing to the Professional Licensing Office via email at: . Be sure to include your full contact information (name, phone number, email address, and mailing address) and a brief description of your concern so that the Complaint Officer can follow-up with you.
Concerns regarding Dentist’s in the NWT are handled by the NWT Dental Review Officer at:
Concerns regarding Registered Nurses, Community Health Nurses, and Nurse Practitioners are handled by the Registered Nurses Association of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut (RNANT/NU):