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811 is a free and confidential telephone consultation service.
Information on how to access or correct personal health information.
The Department of Health and Social Services reviews and completes updates to the Aklavik Action Plan for Critical Incident Investigation Report Recommendations annually.
Information on adoption topics such as custom adoption, families wanting to adopt, information for birth parents and post adoption
GNWT and Government of Canada agreement to enhance programs and services that support Aging with Dignity.
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training
Training for everyone 16 years or older who wants to be able to provide suicide first aid.
Information on what you need to apply for a certificate of standing.
Information on applying for a food permit.
Information on how to apply for extended health benefits.
Information on how to apply for extended health reassessment.
Information on how to apply for a health and social services profession to be regulated.
NWT Health Care Plan
Applying for health care coverage in the NWT.
Applying for health care coverage for newborn child.
Applying for Métis Health Benefits Program
Information on how to apply for extended health benefits if you are a registered Indigenous Métis.
Applying for Temporary Absence from the NWT
Information on how to maintain health coverage during extended absence from the NWT.
Applying for the Extended Health Benefits for Seniors Program
Information on how seniors can apply for the extended health benefits.
Applying for the Extended Health Benefits for Specified Disease Conditions Program
Information on how to apply for the extended health benefits for Specified Disease Conditions Program.
Healthy Choices Fund
Information on how to apply for the Healthy Choices Fund.
