Aging with Dignity Bilateral Agreement

Term: April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2028

Funding: $2.8 million for home and community care, $9.4 million for long-term care


The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) has signed a bilateral agreement with the Government of Canada to work together to improve programs and services that support residents to age with dignity. The key objectives of the federal investment are:

  • Improving Access to Home and Community Care Services
  • Supporting Workforce Improvements for Long-Term Care and Setting Standards to Ensure Safety and Improve Quality of Life for Long-Term Care Residents

Home and Community Care Initiatives (2023-2026)

1. Implementation of Assessment Tools

Aging with Dignity funding will advance the implementation and support ongoing operational needs of the International Resident Assessment Instrument (interRAI) tools. This initiative will improve Continuing Care services, allowing NWT seniors to age in place with dignity. The InterRAI assessment tools will facilitate effective client assessments, ensuring services are tailored to individual needs. The standardized approach will enable monitoring of health status changes, ensuring optimal care and engagement of additional services when necessary.

2023-24 Measuring and Reporting on Results

Indicator Number of communities that have transitioned to InterRAI and Continuing Care Information System (CCIS)

0 communities (as of 2022-23)

Target 33 communities
Timeframe 2025-2026
Progress as of 2023-24 0 communities


Implementation of interRAI is delayed. Phased implementation approach starting Q4 of 2024-25 fiscal year.

2. Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Coordinator

Funding will support an IPAC Coordinator position for continuing care programs. The coordinator is responsible for the integration of IPAC training and practices, implementing standardized policies and procedures aligned with best practices. This initiative, building upon previous HCC bilateral agreement activities, focuses on mitigating IPAC risks, safeguarding staff and clients, and addressing the specific needs of caregivers.

2023-24 Measuring and Reporting on Results

Indicator Number of IPAC site visits completed each year
Baseline 0 IPAC visits completed
Target 7 visits each year
Timeframe 2026-2027
Progress as of 2023-24 9 site visits in 2023-24


IPAC coordinator site visits include visits to long-term care facilities and home care programs.

Long-Term Care Initiatives (2023-2027)

Priority Area 1 – Workforce Stability

LTC Staffing Standard

Aging with Dignity funding will support the transition to a minimum of 3.6 hours of direct care per resident per day within LTC facilities. This includes adopting a staffing ratio of 30% nursing to 70% Resident Care Aide (RCA) and RN coverage 24/7. Investments in Practical Nurses (PNs) and Personal Support Workers (PSWs) through training programs aim to meet the growing demand for skilled professionals in Continuing Care programs, ensuring culturally safe services.

2023-24 Measuring and Reporting on Results

Indicator Percent of facilities that meet Standards for Direct Care Staffing
Baseline 22% (2/9) facilities meet the staffing standard
Target 56% (5/9) facilities meet the staffing standard
Timeframe 2027-2028
Progress as of 2023-24 44% (4/9) facilities meet the staffing standard


The Standards for Direct Care Staffing require a staffing ratio of 30% nursing to 70% Resident Care Aid, and Registered Nurse coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Priority Area 2 – Long-Term Care Standards

Funding will support a Territorial Housekeeping Specialist position to address deficiencies through the development of policies and standardized training. Additionally, funds will support the replacement of LTC equipment and furnishings to meet IPAC standards. These activities, complementing previous Safe Long Term Care funding initiatives, aim to improve quality and safety in LTC, particularly in addressing deficiencies revealed by IPAC audits. The involvement of elders and LTC residents will ensure cultural relevance and resident-informed decision-making.

2023-24 Measuring and Reporting on Results

Indicator Number of IPAC site visits completed each fiscal year
Baseline 0 facilities

9 facilities

Timeframe 2024-2025
Progress as of 2023-24

4/9 LTC facilities had site visits


IPAC Coordinator visits facilities to:

  1. Ensure IPAC training and practices are integrated into LTC programs
  2. Assess continuing care settings, includes long term care, home care and supported living and acute care
  3. Ensure IPAC policy development
  4. Ensure completion of personal protective equipment audits
Indicator Number of Compliance Audits of cleaning practices completed each fiscal year
Baseline 0 compliance audits
Target 9 compliance audits
Timeframe 2024-2025
Progress as of 2023-24 0 compliance audits


Compliance audits have not occurred as the Territorial Housekeeping Specialist was not filled.

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