Parents, Teachers and Mentors
For the best chance to reach their full potential youth should avoid cannabis use.
Early and frequent use is known to affect the brain’s development and can impact learning, memory and attention.
Cannabis can be addictive. It is harder to stop using if you start at a young age.
It is important for adults to learn some of the risks youth could be facing by using cannabis.
Take the opportunity to talk with youth about cannabis use. Start early! For information on how to how to start a conversation check out the Talk kit below:
- Cannabis Products, including Edibles (Drug Free Kids Canada)
- Cannabis Talk Kit: Know How to Talk with Your Teen (Drug Free Kids Canada)
- Cannabis and the Teenage Brain (video)
- NWT Cannabis and Health Webinar (Presented by Dr. Rebecca Haines-Saah, University of Calgary)
- Parents: Help your teen understand what’s fact and fiction about marijuana (Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction)
- Health Effects of Cannabis (Audio)