Housing and Health

Indoor Air Quality

Ventilation as a way to improve indoor air quality

Ventilation describes air movement into or out of homes; proper ventilation is a key component of good indoor air quality. Ventilation can help improve indoor air quality by removing pollutants from home and by bringing in fresh air from outside. This is especially important when renovating or when using chemical products in the home.

Benefits of good ventilation

  • reduces the amount of indoor air pollutants
  • helps to limit the build-up of indoor moisture, which can contribute to mould growth
  • removes stale indoor air and increases the amount of outdoor air that comes indoors

Improving ventilation in your home

  • leave interior doors open
  • use bathroom and kitchen fans
  • keep baseboards or heating vents clear of furniture
  • open windows and doors when outside conditions permit
  • during periods of high levels of outdoor air pollution, reduce air entering the home from outside by closing the window and turning on the air conditioning
  • keep beds, bedding and furniture away from outside walls to allow enough air and heat to flow around furnishings
  • use a mechanical HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system in your home with a filtration system built into the ductwork
  • replace or clean the filter as per the manufacturer's instructions
