Nutritional Food Fact Sheet Series


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Lettuce is a leafy green vegetable that grows above the ground and is a popular vegetable grown in the north.  Eating locally grown vegetables and traditional foods helps keep our bodies healthy.

What do we know about lettuce?

Lettuce has been eaten for over 4,500 years. There are many different kinds of lettuce that grow well in the NWT and that can be eaten all summer.

Many northern communities have one or more community, backyard, indoor garden or greenhouse.  What is your community growing this year?

Nutrients in lettuce

Nutrient Content per Serving Lettuce, iceberg
250 mL (76g)
Excellent Source supplies 25%  or more of a nutrient per day Beta Carotene
Good Source supplies 15 - 24% of a nutrient per day  
Fair Source supplies 5 -14% of a nutrient per day Folate
  • Reference Serving Sizes are from Canada’s Food Guide (1/2 cup = 125ml for most fruits and vegetables; weights vary).
  • The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) amounts are based on the needs of a 14 – 18 year old girl.
  • Excellent, good and fair sources of nutrients have been standardized for any type of food source.

Did you know?

  • Lettuce is an excellent source of beta carotene (vitamin A) which is needed for healthy skin, bones, and eyes.
  • Lettuce is a fair source of folate, which is needed for healthy cells and the healthy growth of babies during pregnancy in order to prevent neural tube defects.   Folate helps make healthy blood that keeps us from being tired.
  • Romaine lettuce has much higher amounts of vitamin C and beta carotene than Iceberg or Butterhead lettuce. Vitamin C helps to keep our gums, teeth, and skin healthy. 

How to store, prepare and eat lettuce

  • Store lettuce in the fridge.
  • Wash lettuce leaves before eating.
  • Lettuce is usually eaten raw in salads and sandwiches.

Healthy Eating

Try several varieties of lettuce to make salads and sandwiches colorful and interesting.  Mix your own dressings with fresh herbs which can also be grown locally, or just use oil and vinegar.  This is a way to cut down on high calorie dressings and reduce your salt intake.

Growing food as part of a healthy lifestyle

Getting outside to garden is a great way to be active. Growing, gathering, and eating garden foods will help keep us healthy.

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