Continuing Care fr

Continuing Care Services

Continuing Care Services provide NWT residents with health care, personal care, and other supports they need to promote independence and improve quality of life in their own home or community.  Community inclusion and participation in cultural activities are an important aspect of these services

Continuing care services provide clients with different needs with a range of health care, personal care, accommodation, and support services in three service areas: Home and Community Care; Long Term Care; and Supported Living.  

Services are delivered to NWT residents of all ages in their homes or other places of residence, such as group homes, assisted living apartments, independent seniors housing units, and in long term care facilities located in regional centres.

The programs and services include, but are not limited to, nursing care, personal care, supervised or supported living, respite care, palliative care, and care in a facility.  Continuing care also includes acute care services related to early discharge from the hospital. 

You can find information about each Continuing Care Service on this website and in the Seniors' Information Handbook.   Information for caregivers can be found in The NWT Caregivers Guide.