What would you like to do?
Top Items
- Apply for a Certificate of Good Standing
- Registered Midwives with Active Certificates of Registration
Registration | $161 |
Reinstatement (late renewal) | $161 |
Registrant Requirements and Standards
- Code of Conduct for Registered Midwives in the NWT
- Continuing Competency Program for Registered Midwives in the NWT
- NWT Midwifery Practice Framework
- Standards of Practice for Registered Midwives in the NWT
- Standards of Practice for Registered Midwives in the NWT for Prescribing, Ordering, and Administering Drugs/Controlled
If you have any questions about your scope of practice in the NWT please contact: Professional_licensing@gov.nt.ca
- Midwives Association of the NWT: nwtmidwives@gmail.com
- Registrar, Chief of Profession Regulation: Professional_Licensing@gov.nt.ca
- Health Care and Social Service Complaints