
Select a type to filter.
Influenza is a serious infectious disease that can spread fast through the coughs and sneezes of people who are carrying the influ
Injury Prevention
Unintentional injuries are the greatest threat to the health of children, youth and younger adults in the NWT. Tips for preventing injuries at home and away from home are shown in this section.
Let’s Talk About Cancer
Information on cancer resources relevant to NWT cancer patients.
Information on how to apply for or renew your LPN licence.
Information on measles.
Information on medical assistance in dying in the NWT.
Information on how to apply for or renew your medical licence.
Information on Medical Travel.
Information on Meningitis.
Information on the new Mental Health Act.
Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health First Aid training gives you the skills you need to make a difference.
Information on mental wellness and addiction services available to NWT residents.
Information on the Mental Wellness and Addictions Recovery Advisory Group.
This program provides funding for Regional and Community Indigenous Governments, Community Governing Authorities (Band Councils, Métis Locals, Charter Community, or municipal council) and Non-government Indigenous organizations to deliver culturally relevant, community-based options for individuals living with mental health and addictions in the Northwest Territories (NWT).
Information on how to apply for or renew your midwifery licence.
Information on Mifegymiso
Information on monkeypox.
Information on mumps.
