Information for NWT residents on where they can donate blood.
Information on breastfeeding.
Information on healthy habits, developing healthy immune systems, immunizations, and COVID-19 recommendations.
The GNWT signed a bilateral agreement with the Government of Canada to work together to improve health care.
Applying for a legal change of name.
Applying for a legal change of name for a child 12 years of age or over.
Applying for a change in sex designation.
Information on the CFS Strategic Direction and Action Plan 2023-2028.
Information on chlamydia.
Information on chronic diseases, including prevention and screening.
Information on how to claim an Extended Health Benefit expense.
Information on how climate change can potentially affect your health.
The NWT Community Counselling Program (CCP) offers free counselling support for mental health, addictions and family violence.
Information on the Community Healthy Living Fairs.
This program provides funding for community-based suicide prevention activities in the Northwest Territories (NWT).
Information on Community Wellness Initiatives.
Information on community wellness plans.
Information on when and how to complete the NWT Residency Statutory Declaration.